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 Type          : 11
 Name          : Page sysop to chat
 Optional Data : <Paging string>

   Displays the <paging string> to the user and pages the sysop
   for a  chat.  If the REASON FOR PAGE option has been enabled
   in RACONFIG, RemoteAccess will display a user-defined prompt
   and  wait for  the user to  enter a reason  for requesting a
   chat. The sysop may select "C" to chat with the user, or "A"
   to abort the page.  You may break in for a  chat at any time
   by   pressing  ALT-C.   All sysop  keys are  listed in   the
   reference section of this manual.  During a chat, the system
   timer  is  "frozen",  and  is re-started when  the  chat  is
   terminated.  The sysop terminates chat mode with the  ESCape
   key.  During  chat,  you may open a capture file to log  the
   chat  session  by pressing CTRL-A,  and again to  close  the

   The default paging sound is a constant "beep-beep" tone  for
   the duration of the page. You may define your own page sound
   by  creating  a  text  file called  PAGE.RA  in  the  system
   directory. The following keywords are valid:

     TONE [hz] [1/100's sec]   (sounds hz)
     WAIT [1/100's sec]        (sounds nothing)

   The following  table lists  several musical octaves  and the
   correct frequency value associated with each note:

       Note  Oct - 1    2    3    4    5    6
       C       F   45  134 268  536 1071 2145
       C#      r   71  142 284  568 1136 2273
       D       e   75  150 301  602 1204 2408
       D#      q   80  159 319  638 1275 2551
       E       u   84  169 338  676 1351 2703
       F       e   90  179 358  716 1432 2864
       F#      n   95  190 379  758 1517 3034
       G       c   100 201 402  804 1607 3215
       G#      y   106 213 426  851 1703 3406
       A       #   113 225 451  902 1804 3608
       A#          119 239 478  956 1991 3823
       B           127 253 506 1012 2025 4050

   The  RemoteAccess distribution  archive  contains  a  sample
   PAGE.RA file to get you started.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson